Saturday, August 1, 2015

Thursday 30th July.

Forecast was for light winds today, with SW 15 tomorrow which would not be good for a passage to Halifax.  So we set off towards Jeddore, 44 46.21N 63 01.05W, found ourselves making good time and decided to press on to Halifax, .  We motor sailed all day, (10 hours on engine – yuk), but made good time and reached Halifax, 44 38.14N 063 36.75W, a day earlier than expected.  And on the way Quinita passed the 5000 nm mark.

We had reserved a slip at Armdale Yacht Club which is at the end of the west arm of Halifax harbor.  

It’s a beautiful sail up here, with many very nice and presumably expensive houses.  We arrived at the gas dock at 6:30pm, filled our gas tanks and were assigned a slip for the evening.  A small champagne toast later we were eating dinner aboard and planning our excursions to Halifax tomorrow. 

Ships Log: 5034.9, Todays Log: 56.3, Seasons Total: 587

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