Saturday, July 5, 2014

Friday 4th July.

We had been monitoring Hurricane Arthur for the past few days.  It wasn’t expected to reach Newfoundland, but its effects would probably be felt in the next couple of days.  So we cut our trip short, and returned to the boat.  On the way we popped in at Gros Morne, a huge national park.  We didn’t have time to do the park justice, but we did manage to hike to the start of the boat tour into the inland fiords. 

We got back to the boat at 9:30pm after a long day mostly driving.  It was still light and so were the winds, so we decided to move the boat to a better location before the predicated strong winds arrived tomorrow.  We tucked ourselves into what we hoped would be a relatively sheltered spot against the harbor wall.  Two other yachts had arrived since we left 3 days ago – one from Germany and one from Maine, heading for the North West Passage.  So in the past couple of weeks, we have met one boat on the way and another planning a trip to this tough sailing area.  Good luck and fair winds to both of them!

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