Thursday, July 3, 2014

Wednesday 2nd July.

We set off north in the car bound for Twillingate, a beautiful fishing town on islands off the northeast coast of Newfoundland.    It was a beautiful drive, although rather long – 620Km, 390m.  When we got to Twillingate it was even beautifuller and we were treated  to the site of several big icebergs.  Yes, that is a big iceberg behind those buildings in the second photo.   Our B&B was very nice – a small room, but what the heck, we’re used to living in a small space!  We went for a short bike ride, saw more icebergs and then had dinner on the outside deck at a local fish restaurant. The Snow Crabs were delicious.   We never dreamed that we’d be eating outside in shorts, t-shirts and sandals at 9pm watching the sunset and looking at icebergs.  What an amazing contrast.

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