Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sunday, July 27th. McCallum

We had a leisurely sail for the first half of the trip.  Winds of 8 – 10 knots, boat speed up to 5 knots although the seas were a little uncomfortable after yesterday’s winds.  Then the winds dropped and it became a little too leisurely.  So we motored the latter part of the trip. 

McCallum (47 37.86N 056 13.61W), a quintessential outport is located in a beautiful, sheltered bay.  (Sorry if I’m repeating myself - they all are!)  None of the outports we’ve visited so far have roads – they all have boardwalks and people either walk or use ATVs or snowmobiles in the winter.  The photos show a very typical outport scene. 

Houses are very close together, and people must get on very well, with small populations, living in such close proximity.  Having said that, we heard today that the port of McCallum has voted on whether to resettle and 71 were for resettlement with 21 against.  Despite that, everyone we meet is very friendly toward us and always asking us where we’re from, where we’re heading and are we enjoying Newfoundland.

Ships Log: 4031.1, Todays Log: 28.1, Seasons Total: 443.1

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