Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tuesday, July 29th, Facheux Bay

Life is interesting in the fjords.  There’s no cell phone, vhf or any other kind of communication with the outside world in these deep sided gorges.  So when we’re at sea, we try to pick up weather forecasts.  We set off this morning with expected winds of SE 15 knots.  We had SE all right, but they were up to 25 knots, and once again we were beating into pretty big seas.  We’re getting better at this though and are learning to reef earlier. 

We beat out of the fjord, and then, although hard on the wind were able to fetch our course.  We were still bouncing around a fair bit and Teresa discovered that cell phone coverage had appeared.  So off she went below to send out recent emails and retrieve new ones. 

Oh, did I mention it was foggy, with very heavy rain showers?  At each waypoint though, our course, relative to the wind was easier and faster.  And the winds diminished as we entered the fjord and we ended up motoring the last 5 miles.  So all in all, not a bad sail. 

The anchorage in Brent Cove, 47 41.87N, 056 20.34W, looks like it could be very nice if you could see more than ¼ mile.  Maybe tomorrow …

Ships Log: 4078.1, Todays Log: 19.8, Seasons Total: 490.1

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