Saturday, July 19, 2014

Thursday, July 17th sailing to windward in 30 knots.

It started out pretty much like yesterday but with lighter winds.  And the am forecast didn’t mention 25 knot winds for the first time in a while, so, at midday, we decided to set off for the other French island – Miquelon, 47 05.87N 056 22.25W

We had a great sail for the most part – broad reaching/running in winds up to 20 knots with boat speed between 6 and 8.5 knots.  Then we turned the corner to enter Miquelon bay where we expected the winds to abate since we were in the lee of the land.  Not so – we were now sailing 7 nm to windward in winds of 25 – 30 knots with gusts to 34.  Add to that a boat speed of up to 8 knots and we had 36 knots over the deck!  Quinita saw us through however.  We’ll try to make that kind of sailing the exception rather than the rule. 

We stuck our nose into the small manmade harbour at Miquelon and found a spot against a wall to tie up for the night. 

After a quick walk to town, we returned to the boat and Teresa harvested the lettuce she has been growing for the past 3 weeks.  With Scallops, taters and squash it was delicious!

Ships Log: 3952.4, Todays Log: 27.2, Seasons Total: 364.4

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