Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Sunday, July 13th – la France!

Another light winds day, so we motored to St. Pierre, 46 46.61N 056 10.48W.  St. Pierre and Miquelon are 2 islands that are part of France.  On the way, we had another great display of dolphin skills.  We watched them (6 – 8 dolphins again) for a long while.  It’s difficult for us amateurs to capture them breaching, but we think we got some good shots of them swimming under the water.  When they do break the surface, it’s usually just their fins.  After watching them for a long while, they all dived and showed us their tails.  Then they were gone.  It was just as if the tail display was a goodbye – amazing. 

We entered the harbour of St Pierre where there is a small marina filled with sailboats that had just raced from Halifax, about 350nm away.  Several boats were rafted together since there was not sufficient dock space and we rafted to one of the racers.  We cleared French customs and raised the French courtesy flag.  

We were now officially in France!

Ships Log: 3925.2, Todays Log: 55.6, Seasons Total: 337.2

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