Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Thursday, July 10th.

We left Rose Blanche the same way we entered – in thick fog and with light headwinds motored again all the way to Burgeo, 47 36.77N 057 36.47W.  We had AIS, Radar and eyeballs and saw nothing but fog all day on any of these devices.   And the coast here is, apparently, so beautiful.  Well we’ll just have to take an extra look on the way back.  We entered the harbour on GPS and Radar, without which we’d have had no chance of getting in safely, and docked in the travellift bay. 
A couple of Brits who had been living in Newfoundland since the 70’s came over, introduced themselves and offered their car.  We accepted and used their car to fill our gas tanks using our spare cans.  We spent a very peaceful night. 

Ships Log: 3824.7, Todays Log: 49.9, Seasons Total: 236.7

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