Sunday, July 27, 2014

Friday, July 25th. Harbour Breton

We set off for Harbour Breton with a forecast of fog patches and thunderstorms in the morning.  Shortly after setting off we were once again entertained by dolphins.  This schoolwas large, 8 – 10 and  had a youngster who was showing off by jumping right out of the water!
Then the fog set in.  Our route took us past 2 potentially pretty islands, “Brunette” and “Sagona”.  We passed within 1nm of Brunette, and within .3nm of Sagona and didn’t see either.  Well, everyone tells us that August is less foggy than July – let’s hope they’re right!  Just after Sagona, we passed the 4000nm mark since starting our adventures on Quinita. 

We entered the inlet for Harbour Breton, 47 28.80N 55 48.37W, and about ½ nm in, the fog lifted and we could actually see where we were.  The small dock was pretty full, but there appeared to be a spot almost big enough for us.  As we procrastinated, a lady on the dock said she’d have someone move the boat behind hers to make room for us.  We docked behind her boat and were welcomed by her partner and their crew.  As usual everyone was super friendly. 

We unpacked the bikes and took a short ride around the harbour.

Ships Log: 4003, Todays Log: 26.5, Seasons Total: 415

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