Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tuesday, July 15th.

The town is open for business.  We walked around, visited a patisserie for breakfast and wandered around some more. Shopped for some real French cheeses, sausage, pate, bread etc. and then ate a significant portion of it for lunch!  Scrummy.  The prices here are quite high since, as in France, the Euro is used.  The afternoon was foggy (surprise, surprise), cold and windy.  Oh well, another 15 days and it will be August when, we’re told, they turn the sun on in these parts. 

Despite the fog, we were entertained by Hobie Cat racing, during which several capsized, (brrr, thank goodness for sailing dry suits).

In the afternoon we cycled to the top part of town, then hiked to the top of the hill where we had a nice view of a foggy island. 

St. Pierre is interesting.  French in lots of ways, but, perhaps unsurprisingly, very different from France.  Well it is several  thousand miles away with a very different climate.  We got the impression yesterday though that the inhabitants are very proud to be French. 

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