Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Friday, July 11th.

Slightly less fog this morning, so we could see a little of where we were on the way out.  We’ve figured out how the Canadian forecasts work:  SW 15 20knts means E 10, S 15-20knts means E 10, Variable 10-15 means E 10.  Today we had E 10, but for once were sailing SE to the Ramea islands, 47 31.31N 057 23.23W, and so were able to actually turn the engines off and SAIL.  Yippee.  We had a pleasant beat to the islands and docked around 2pm, where we met Joe from Port aux Basque.  He has a powerboat and did the trip from Port a Basque in one go. 

When we arrived we were excited to take a dinghy ride to Puffin Island to do some Puffin watching.  Ron launched the dinghy and took it for a test run since this was the first time we’d used it this year.  We had lunch and then the fog closed in so thickly that we could not see Puffin Island (or anything else) anymore.  And the dinghy doesn’t have radar, so we aborted that plan and went for a bike ride instead.  We hiked to the top of a steep hill and saw a wonderful view of fog L.  The bike ride was interesting – lots of roads on this small island.  One of them turned into a dirt road, then a board walk (perhaps ½ - 1 mile long), then back to a road again. 

The water is very clear here and we saw several starfish on the seabed.

We dined at the restaurant, where we negotiated they would serve us dinner as long as we were prepared to eat at 6pm.  We did, and the fresh cod was good. 

Ships Log: 3839.5, Todays Log: 14.8, Seasons Total: 251.5

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