Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday October 25th, 2019

The sea was like glass with no wind at all as we set off for Norfolk and the Intracoastal Waterway. 
The pelicans were out in full force again and we saw them fishing.  They flew along the surface of the water and when they spotted a tasty morsel, they dived in after it.  One took off and flew around Quinita giving a great view of these powerful birds in flight.  The glass like sea made it easy to spot dolphins and we were also entertained by them. 

We docked in Waterside Marina in Norfolk, VA, 36° 50’.622N 076° 17’.525W, and found ourselves right downtown.  Went for a walk to the library to print some documents we needed.  Libraries are so useful, and excellent value for so little money. 

We returned to Quinita as the Friday night local boats started turning up.  Pretty soon it was dark, and we dined aboard on Spare ribs and potato salad.  The sunset was beautiful.

Ships Log: 7108.6, Trip: 33.3nm, Trip Total: 522.8

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