Saturday, October 26, 2019

Saturday October 26th, 2019

Norfolk looks like a nice city, so we decided to have a lay day and explore.  The weather was great – sunny and warm all day.  Ron had a lazy start to the day while Teresa defrosted the refrigerator.  We unloaded our bikes and rode the Elizabeth River Trail.  It’s a really nice trail – flat, easy cycling and very varied throughout its 10.5 miles.  Our marina is almost at the eastern end so we rode to the end and were able to ride the whole trail. 

On the way back we loaded up on groceries, but we sadly did not have carrying capacity to replenish our beer and wine supplies. 

Teresa had found an Indian restaurant, ½ mile walk from the boat, and of course we couldn’t miss that opportunity.  On the way to the restaurant, downtown was buzzing, with Halloween revelers in their costumes and an outdoor charity concert for cancer research.  It seems weird, being on the boat during Halloween, and walking around in T shirts. 

Dinner was excellent, although service was pretty slow and not very good.  On the way back we passed a 7-Eleven store and popped in to see if they sold beer or wine.  Surprise, surprise – they did, so we stocked up and walked back to the boat.  Of course we over ordered on food, and brought back at least half for dinner tomorrow night.  A pretty good day!

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