Saturday, October 5, 2019

Saturday, 5th October, 2019

On the way through the East River towards Manhattan is a stretch knows as Hell Gate.  It was originally named hellegat which is Dutch for “bright passage”.  However, currents run so strongly here that its now called Hell Gate.  So we left at first light, (about 6:30am) to ensure that we’d get through with a fair tide.  And with following winds, everything worked out well.  At the end of Hell Gate, Amazing Grace caught us up and proceeded to Atlantic Highlands to wait for the forecast Northerly winds, as we had discussed the previous night.  We continued a mile up the Hudson river and picked up a mooring at Pier25 Marina, 40° 43.629N, 074° 00.839W, right on West Street in downtown NY city. 

After a walk along West Avenue to Battery Park we returned to Quinita and prepared some appetizers for our guests, Marcel and Angela, who were shortly to arrive via the launch service.  We met Marcel in Amsterdam back in 1990 or thereabouts and hadn’t seen him for maybe 15 years.  And this was the first time we had met his lovely wife Angela.  Marcel works for Spotify and obtained some passes for us to visit his high rise office.  Spotify have the top 15 or so floors of the building and Marcel took us to the 72nd floor.  On a beautiful sunny day the views were spectacular. 

They then took us to Le District, where we had dinner.  Le District is a very, very upmarket version of the eating places often found in shopping malls, serving gourmet French food, wine, beer, etc.  Very nice!

Back on the boat, we checked the forecast for tomorrow’s trip to Atlantic Highlands, (due south of us).  The forecast was for S 10-15 gusting to 30 in the afternoon.  So an early start would be required. 

Ships Log: 6,792.0, Trip, 15.7, Trip Total: 115.8

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