Monday, October 14, 2019

Monday 14th October, 2019

Tides are important for small boats – when you’re only doing 5 knots it’s much better to have a 2 knot tide with you (making a total speed of 7 knots), than against you (making a total speed of 3 knots).  So we left at first light to take advantage of the tides up the Delaware Bay.  And we had headwinds which resulted in a wind over tide situation and a pretty choppy sea.  The winds were too light to push the boat through the wave and we needed to keep our speed up to avoid the foul tides that we coming later in the day.  So we started out beating with the motor’s assistance in a choppy sea, which is a little frustrating since as soon as the boat got some speed, a wave would hit and slow us back down again.  And we’re getting a little fed up with having the engines on all the time. 

Around 10am the winds pretty much died, so we dropped the sails and were then able to motor the course, rather than tacking.  We reached our destination Cohassey Cove, 39° 20.685N 075° 20.857W, just in time to catch a little foul tide – pretty much what we expected. 

The sun was shining by now and we dropped the hook around 2pm.  Now we get an afternoon off for a change!

Teresa enjoyed a yoga and pilates session on the trampoline while Ron checked tides and route for tomorrow.  And we finished the day with some admin on the computer and some reading.  The latter was more relaxing!

Ships Log: 6867.9, Trip 31.6, Trip Total: 282.1

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