Monday, October 28, 2019

Monday October 28th, 2019

Much nicer weather today, just right for exploring the Great Dismal Swamp.  We set off at 8:30 and reached Deep Creek Lock at 10:30, ready for the scheduled lock opening at 11am.  The river was beautiful up to the lock and Ron joked with the lock keeper that his swamp was not very dismal.  The reply was that we wouldn’t see the swamp until we were through the lock.  The lock keeper was very entertaining.  Not only did he enlighten us on some of the history of the swamp, he also gave us some useful information for transiting the swamp and dealing with the weeds we were about to encounter.  And he finished up by showing us how to play a conch shell, complete with a demonstration song which was very impressive. Uh oh, I’m writing this as Teresa is cooking vegetables and she’s just told me that the propane has run out.  Excuse me while I change the gas bottles …… OK, where was I?  Oh yeah, the swamp.  We locked through with 5 other boats, and 4 of us continued down the Great Dismal Swamp Canal, which was full of Duck Weed (I think we call it Daphnia in England), and a few fallen branches and logs.  Not quite so pretty – well maybe, but in a different way. 

We rafted next to “MV Simple Life” at the Great Dismal Swamp State Park, 36° 30’.406N 076° 21’.360W, and were invited aboard for a drink along with the crews of the other 5 boats moored and rafted here.  We went for a walk in the park – not very exciting – and returned to Quinita for dinner – grilled chicken legs and veggies.  While we were cooking dinner the gas ran out.  Oh wait I’ve already covered that!

Ships log: 7129.3, Trip: 20.7, Trip Total: 543.5

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