Sunday, October 13, 2019

Saturday 12th October 2019

Finally the storm and gale warnings have ceased, and we have Northerly 15-20 knots with gusts up to 25 decreasing later in the forecast.  With those winds behind us, we’re ok to set off, however the forecast also included waves of 6-9’!  We figured we’d go and take a look.  The first tricky part would be rounding the tip of Sandy Hook.  So we left at 7am to take a look.

Everything looked fine and it turned out that the 9 foot waves actually formed a big swell from the east, and was not uncomfortable at all.  Our destination was Shark River, some 25 nm away, although we had also discussed pressing on to Atlantic City, 81 nm away. 

Winds were light, from astern, and with the engine’s help we were doing 6 – 7 knots to Shark River.  Conditions were pleasant enough and so we decided to take advantage of the uncharacteristic northerly wind and press on.  We arrive at about 8pm and docked in the dark at 8:20pm.  Although a pretty boring day, with engines on for 13 hours, were pleased to have broken the back of the trip down the New Jersey coast.  To break up the boredom a little, a few dolphins came to entertain us.

We docked at the Golden Nugget Farley State Marina, 39° 22.667N 074° 25.147W, and went for a walk to find pizza.  The dock had more seagull poop and shells on it than you could shake a stick at.  Uugh!

We found pizza with Mrs. Google’s help and walked 1.7 miles thereto.  A nice change after being cooped up on the boat all day.  Atlantic City is very glitzy with casinos all over the place.  Our pizza place was in a less salubrious part of town.  This was interesting to see, but we didn’t get to see much of the glitzy part.   Oh well, perhaps another day!

Our boat has an impellor mounted in the through hull fitting.  This little paddle wheel revolves and records the boat speed through the water.  Unfortunately, after being inactive for 5 days, some marine creatures had decided the impellor was a nice place to stay.  So we were without boat speed all day. 

Ships Log: 6808.3, Trip, 81.1, Trip Total: 218.2

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