Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday 1st October, 2019

We’ve cut the chord at last and are on our travels again – towards Wilmington, NC. 

We were beaten up a little today.  We were hard on the wind all day with seas getting bigger and bigger and winds starting at 15 knots and getting stronger and stronger.  We should have reefed earlier and ended up putting in 2 reefs in 30 knot winds.  As a result of us reefing, the winds then calmed down, and we ended up in slop with big waves and not enough wind to power through, so the last 3 miles were not very pleasant motoring. 

But we made it to Westbrook and Safe Harbor Pilots Point Marina, 41 16.27N 72 28.23W.  Very nice and so it should be at that price!  Anyway it makes a change being on a dock with unlimited electricity and water and easy access to shore facilities. 

We took a little bike ride into town to buy milk and explore.  It sure is nice not having to lug the bikes ashore in the dinghy. 

7pm, dark already but we have a pretty sliver of a moon to look at.

Ships Log: 6,708.9, Trip Total: 32.7

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