Sunday, October 6, 2019

Sunday, 6th October, 2019

Teresa woke at 5:30am for a pee, Ron checked the tides and forecast again and decided that 5:32 would be a good time to leave before the 30 knot gusts arrived.  So Teresa didn’t get to go back to bed.  (Sorry Teresa!).  We set off in the dark and motor sailed out of the East River.  After about an hour, dawn broke and we had a not unpleasant motor sail to Atlantic Highlands, 40° 25.203N 074° 01.820W.  We filled up with fuel and water and had a delicious Ham ‘n Eggs brunch, happy to be in harbour while the winds steadily increased all afternoon. 

Ships Log: 6808.3, Trip, 16.3, Trip Total: 132.1.

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