Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday 16th October, 2019

We had another longish day in mind today – to Rock Hall Harbor, where our friends Noel & Annette (on Amazing Grace) were spending a few days before moving on.  Winds were forecast from the south, with high gusts later in the day.  But we needed gas, so tied up to the gas dock at 7:45, waiting for it to open at 8am.  By 8:30 we had found someone to operate the pumps and set off. 

Winds were light, and from the SE which put us on a reach but not quite strong enough to achieve the 5 knots we wanted to get us into harbor before the big winds hit.  So we ran the engine, just enough to keep our speed above 5 knots.  The plan didn’t quite work however.  Before we reached the harbor, a squall hit, and we had 30 knots on the nose.  The winds came on very suddenly, and we found ourselves furling the genoa and reefing the main in 25 – 30 knot winds.  So we had an hour or so of motor sailing with just the double reefed main in big seas.  Actually the winds didn’t last that long, but the waves did which made for an uncomfortable couple of hours.  Oh well, all’s well that ends well and we picked up a mooring next to Amazing Grace, 39 08.815N 076 15.505W at 3pm. 

Noel and Annette invited us to dinner on their boat.  The dinghy ride there, fortunately not very long, was wild as the winds were starting to pick up- well at least it was downwind.  Their boat – a 44’ Antares catamaran - is beautiful.  With full sized showers, water-maker, washing machine, etc. etc.  We’re not jealous – we can get under much lower bridges than they can!  By the way, dinner was delicious and if you’re reading this Noel and Anette, thanks very much.  And you may have guessed, the dinghy ride back to Quinita, upwind, was even wilder. 

Ships Log: 6949.2, Trip: 35.7, Trip Total: 363.2

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