Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thursday 17th October, 2019

Winds were howling all day and even in the harbor we recorded 37 knots. Not exactly a day for sailing so we stayed put.  We had a couple of jobs to work on.  Quinita has lifting rudders and when fully up we only draw 18”.  The lifting mechanism includes a fail-safe designed to break and allow the rudders to lift if they hit anything.  Pretty sure we didn’t hit anything, but one of them broke and allowed the rudder to lift yesterday in the big winds.  This makes the steering really heavy- not what you want in a storm.  And one of the davit mounts on our dinghy broke off yesterday too.  But with the wind howling, it wasn’t a day for repairs either. 

So we settled down to do some admin on our laptops.  Then Ron’s laptop crashed 3 times in succession.  So the plan changed to moving critical software (like navigation software) and email to Teresa’s machine in case Ron’s dies permanently. 

We did brave a ride ashore in the dinghy, borrowed a couple of marina bikes and went shopping for groceries and adhesive to fix the rudders tomorrow.  The ride to the shops was easy – a dead straight road with the 30 knot wind blowing right down it.  The ride home was not quite so pleasant.  And the dinghy ride back to Quinita was another wild and wet one. 

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