Saturday, August 9, 2014

Friday, August 8th – Port aux Basques

We left early, so that we would be in Port aux Basques, 47 34.49N 059 08.42W, before the harbour master went home for the weekend.  (We needed the key for the laundry/showers).  We made good time, motorsailing with light beam winds.  However when we arrived outside the harbour, the traffic control asked us to wait until the ferry exited the harbour.  We tied up at 12:30, located the hm and obtained a key to the facilities, (such as they are). 

Teresa set about doing laundry, and Ron changed the engine oil, hitch hiked to the gas station, filled the gas tanks and did a few other jobs on the boat. 

The wharf we tied up to is right in the centre of town, so as we were grilling our chicken for dinner and eating it, a constant stream of townsfolk wandered by wanting to chat.  By now we’re used to this as part of the Newfoundland experience. 

Ships Log: 4245.4, Todays Log: 20.5, Seasons Total: 657.4

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