Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sunday, August 24th, Souris

Ron caught another 3 mackerel this morning – not huge, but big enough to eat, so tonight we’ll dine on fresh fish!  He also lost 2 lures – one simply flew off the line on his 2nd cast, and the other got caught on something on the bottom. 

We drove out to New Glasgow, via St. Peters, where we spotted a bald eagle, and bicycled along the northern coast to Stanley Bridge, near where Anne of Green Gables was set.  This part of PEI is a little different from other places we’ve seen so far.  More variety, and more touristy.  After the ride, we drove to Tyne Valley – a very nice looking town where our friend Carolyn grew up. 

We returned to the boat, and grilled the mackerel whole.  The smaller ones were pretty fiddly to eat and we found plenty of bones.  Perhaps I need to google Mackerel grilling!

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