Friday, August 15, 2014

Wednesday, August 13th – Cap aux Meules

The harbor master stopped by and charged us $1.29/foot for no facilities at all apart from huge tyres.
Les Isles de la Madelaine are famous for beaches.  We had also been advised to visit the local boulangerie which we did.  We bought some local cheese (Pied de Vent), some pate, bread, olives and headed out for the nearest beach.  Took a quick swim, ate lunch and fell asleep for a while, (well one of us did anyway!).  The other one walked along the beach where she took photos. 

We also cycled to the other side of the island, (only about 4 miles), where the beaches were more spectacular.  We returned to the harbor, went to the marina and explained that we were turned away and sent to the commercial harbor yesterday, and could we please have a shower.  The response was “Oui, bien sûr, $10 s.v.p!”.  Oh well, the showers were worth it. 

We went out to dinner again, (the choices were too good to resist), and returned to the boat, with the wind howling and banging poor old Quinita up against those huge tyres.  A guy from the marina was just leaving a note on our boat saying we could move to the marina where we’d be more comfortable.  He also suggested a spot over the other side of the commercial harbor, where the wind was blowing us off the wall.  (Yesterday it had been full of fishing boats).  So we quickly untied, and redocked at the new spot.  It was dark and late by now and Ron managed to drop our power cord adapter over the side, which was pretty annoying since (a) it cost $80, and (b) we probably wouldn’t be able to buy another this season.  We turned in and spent a comfortable night. 

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