Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sunday August 3rd. Ramea

Another warm sunny day – perhaps the fog has broken at last.  We took an early morning dip and swam along the boat cleaning the waterline.  After breakfast, we bid farewell to MarySol, and headed back down the fjord, where we were interviewed by a police boat carrying out random inspections (we assume).  The winds were very light at sea, so we motored towards Ramea, 47 31.32N 057 23.21W.  After a while the winds picked up and we had a pleasant beat most of the rest of the way.  The winds continued to increase until it was time to reef, but we were now close enough that we simply stowed the sails and motored the last bit. 

We tied up to the wall in Ramea, and took our laundry to the local hostel/shower-room/restaurant.  We had cod and chips for dinner while we waited for the laundry to finish.  It hadn’t finished by 7pm, and the staff wanted to close the building.  They let us stay until 7:30pm, and we left a load of damp clothes in the dryer.  Tomorrow when the building is opened at 11am, they’ll start the dryer for us.  So we won’t get a very early start tomorrow.  Oh well, you just gotta go with the flow …

Back at the boat there was the usual collection of men standing around, chatting and asking us about our boat, travels, etc.  Ron asked for cod fishing tips, and got lots.  Notably, his rod is not designed for the rigors of Cod, and the line and jigger is too small.  So tomorrow morning he’ll be off to the local store for some heavier equipment.  Stand by for some Cod photos …

Ships Log: 4157.1, Todays Log: 22.1, Seasons Total: 569.1

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