Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Monday, August 4th. Culotte Cove

Ron did indeed get some heavier line and hooks, etc. for cod fishing.  To replace the 12lb line he had he got 300lb cod line.  (Should be enough for a pretty big cod!)  Teresa finished off the laundry and we set off at midday in a very light wind for Culotte Cove, 47 42.01N 058 05.79W.  The winds were 4 – 6 knots from just forward of the beam, so we experimented with the mainsail, and managed to add ½ knot boat speed by motor sailing. 

We arrived at another beautiful anchorage at 6:30, tidied the boat up, had dinner and reflected that perhaps we’re spoiling ourselves by anchoring in these beautiful locations, with no other boats.  It wasn’t an area for cod fishing but Ron, well protected from bugs, decided to try his luck fishing for anything at sunset.

Ships Log: 4193.2, Todays Log: 36.1, Seasons Total: 605.2

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