Saturday, August 9, 2014

Thursday, August 7th – Harbour Le Cou

Another windless day, and we had an uneventful motoring trip to Harbour le Cou, 47 37.44N 058 41.16W.  Uneventful, that is, except for stopping on the way to pick up another 3 cod.  We filleted and froze these since we hadn’t yet eaten yesterday’s catch.  Cod fishing season closes on Saturday, so this might be our last harvest of cod this year. 

Hmmm, now I think about it, another ‘event’ was the sunfish we saw.  They’re strange creatures – all you can see is a single fin sticking out of the water, and they just loll about close to the surface, ‘sunbathing’.  When we first saw one, several days ago, we thought it was an injured dolphin, but we’ve subsequently been told they’re sunfish. 

We entered the harbour and unwittingly headed for a very shallow and rocky side of the wharf.  A local fisherman waved us away, and moved a small boat that was tied to the end of the wharf so that we could tie up there.  Very nice of him. 

When we were in Rose Blanche, (on July 8th) we took a beautiful walk to Harbour Le Cou.  Today we took the same walk in reverse and visited Rose Blanche on foot to get some basic  groceries and access the internet courtesy of Lyn in the Rosesea Tea Room.  We chatted with her for a while and then returned to Quinita. 

Teresa had been told of a freshwater swimming area under a waterfall, so we jumped into the dinghy and set off.  The water was just a little salty, but good enough for a hair wash and bath. 
Docking here is tricky.  The wharf is about 30 feet long and Quinita is 32 feet long. That in itself is not a problem, but we have to tie with lines loose enough to accommodate the rise and fall of the tide.  Usually you would run the bow line a long way forward, and the stern line a long way aft, so that the tidal height difference would not be so noticeable.  We cannot do that so have had to use looser lines that we’d like.  So far it’s calm, so no problems …

Ships Log: 4224.9, Todays Log: 14.4, Seasons Total: 636.9

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