Sunday, August 17, 2014

Saturday, August 16th. - Havre Aubert

A single handed sailboat race was starting this morning, and “Audour”, (spelling) a local sailor we met in Souris and Chéticamp, was competing, so we watched the start at 9am.  It’s a pretty long race – 95nm, and the competitors are expected back in the early hours of tomorrow morning.  On the lookout hill we noticed a strange structure, which turned out to be a Trebuchet.  And there was a demo scheduled at 1pm today.  So, of course, we were there. 

The first part of cranking the counterweight was easy:  And the next part wasn’t too bad:  But as the counterweight started to get closer to horizontal, it was very difficult to crank:  Then 21st Century technology took over:  And here’s the firing:

We hiked some local hills in the afternoon where we had great views of the peninsula.  In the evening, Pierre and Brigitte joined us for appetizers, and we adjourned to a tapas bar, (Magdalen Islands style), where we were entertained by the owner playing cello. 

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