Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Saturday, August 2nd – Grey River anchorage.

We awoke, (one of us with a hangover), at 8:30, and had to get up to move the boat so that the ferry could dock.  It was a lovely sunny day - yippee.  Since we were up anyway, we set off for a sail up the beautiful Grey River. 

Back in February, our good skiing friend Frank passed away.  Today his ashes were being scattered on Burke Mountain – the New England ski mountian he loved.  There was also a memorial ceremony which we would have loved to have attended, but we are too far away.  So, at 10:30 EST, we stopped the boat in the middle of this beautiful fjord and had our own 2 minutes remembering Frank. 

We continued a very nice sail to the head of the fjord, dropped the hook for lunch, bathed in the warm, fresh fjord water and beat back towards the South East arm where we planned to anchor for the night.  We were getting a workout – the winds were now up to 18 knots, and the tacks in the narrow fjord were very short.  

We noticed a problem with the new batten we had put in the mainsail, and had to drop it and motor the rest of the way.  Shortly after the winds died anyway so we didn’t miss too much.
We anchored at the head of South East arm, 47 36.24N 056 59.03W, next to Mary Sol, our British friend’s boat.  We invited them for drinks, and they invited us for dinner.  We got the best deal – a 4 course meal, with whisky, songs and very nice company.  Originally British (and Northern Irish), they have all been living in Newfoundland for many years, and were able to tell us a lot about the island. 

Ships Log: 4135, Todays Log: 16.7, Seasons Total: 547

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