Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tuesday, Wednesday, 26th, 27th August, Souris

We had planned to sail to Georgetown since they were advertising a Ceilidh on Tuesday evenings, but the weather was against us – 25 knots of headwinds. 

So we started preparing the boat for haulout instead.  There’s a fair amount of work at the end of each season – washing, drying and stowing sails, cleaning the boat, etc. etc. etc.  We had a productive day, and then drove to Georgetown in the evening for a delicious dinner followed by the Ceilidh. 

The Ceilidh was interesting and fun.  Maybe 80 townsfolk were there from a population of ~675.  We were warmly welcomed when we arrived and paid our $5 entry fee.  People were dancing to local amateur country and western musicians (some were pretty good).  We practiced our waltzing techniques and then the dancing switched to something like square dancing in that you promenade around and change partners frequently.  We, of course, knew nothing of this, but once again the locals were very helpful and showed us what to do.  At 10pm, “lunch” was served and 2 birthdays were celebrated (with cards which we were asked to sign!)  The evening finished with a few jokes from one of the locals. 
On Wednesday, we had another day of sunny and windy weather and were able to continue getting the boat ready for haulout tomorrow.

In the afternoon a Gannett came to visit.  It was swimming around the marina, very close to our boat.  Someone suggested that it had a broken leg. 

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