Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Monday, August 18th. Ile d’Entrée.

It was raining pretty hard when we woke, so we had a lazy morning reading in bed until 10am.  Eventually we got up and checked the weather forecast for our trip to Souris.  There was a strong wind warning in effect.  Tuesday (tomorrow) looks like NW 10-25knots, which would get us there pretty quickly, and Wednesday and Thursday look like NW/N 10-15knots.  So right now the plan is to wait until Wednesday, but we’ll keep monitoring the weather …

By noon, the rain had eased and the sun was poking through so we set off for a walk up “Big Hill”.  Big Hill, at almost 600’, is the highest point in the archipelago.  It apparently has beautiful views of the whole of the Isles, as well as Nova Scotia on a clear day. 

After leaving base camp “Quinita”, we stopped at the café for lobster rolls to go.  On leaving the café the rain started again, but we began our assault on the hill.  The hill, and (most of the islands), are devoid of trees and so when the thunderstorm started we decided that being on top of the highest point, a big round, treeless hill, was not a good idea and our first attempt failed.  Hopefully tomorrow …

On the way back we noticed wild blueberries, but, apart for being wet and cold, we had no container.  So we returned to base camp, dried off, ate our lobster rolls, had a nice cup of tea, and read for a while.  About 5pm the rain stopped again, so we returned to the blueberry spot and picked 4 containers of delicious berries. 

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