Sunday, July 22, 2012

Friday 20th July

We had planned to go to Singer Castle on Jorstadt Island, but the winds were not in our favour, so we opted for Gananoque, (to clear customs), and Beaurivage instead. 44° 18.12N 76° 10.84W. It was good decision – we had a great sail to Gan, cleared Canadian customs, and went for a walk along the Gananoque trail.  We then motored to Beaurivage (about 1.5nm away), to anchor for the night. The anchor was set, we all went for a swim and the gins and tonics came out.  Marc spotted a fish jumping, so Ron got out his fishing rod.  After a few casts, Ron pulled in a nice Pike, (we think), but the consensus, was to throw the beautiful fish back.  Since no-one was going to eat it, Ron complied.  We dined well on home grown zucchini, corn on the cob, salad, pork chops, beer and wine. 

Ship’s log: 1845.2 Today's log: 16.7nm, Season total: 209.7nm

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