Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sunday, July 8th

Set sail for Gananoque, 44° 19.37N 76° 09.84W, to clear Canadian customs.  The winds were fickle all day, and we started out with our screecher, doing 7+ knots, anticipating a fun sailing day, particularly when the wind got to 12 knots and backed to put us on a fine reach.  So the screecher was furled in favour of the genoa, and we still had good boat speed.  It was not to last however, the wind died and the motors came on.  We cleared customs then headed for an anchorage off Bearivage Island, 44° 18.18N 76° 11.10W.  There were several boats anchored here, which encouraged us.  On the other hand, it would have been nice to have the anchorage to ourselves.  Oh well, the anchor set first time and we had a beautiful location, not too close to other boats.  We rowed ashore to Beaurivage, another Canadian National Park island, and explored the island.  On the way back we noticed that Quinita was pretty dirty just above the waterline, so we donned swimsuits, jumped overboard with cleaning rags and cleaned her up.  She looks much better now.
Ship’s log: 1753.3 Today's log: 10.4nm, Season total: 117.8nm

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