Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Saturday July 14th

Happy Bastille day!  We dressed ship for the occasion and then went ashore for “French” pastries for breakfast, (but they didn’t turn out to be very “French”).  Ron ate them all anyway, and we then went for a bike ride to Tibbets point lighthouse which was very nice.  On the way back we discovered a swimming beach near town that the local dive club told us had a wreck.  We wandered around the town had lunch, browsed some of the, (huge – over 200 vendors), craft fair and then watched the 1 hour parade.  It was hot again, very hot, so we took the dinghy to the beach where the wreck was.  On entering the cove we discover the reason for the wreck – a reef with about 6” depth and we tested the shear-pin on the dinghy engine.  It worked – the prop hit the reef and the shear-pin sheared.  We dived on the wreck with snorkels, read a little in the shade of a tree, replaced the shear-pin and returned to the boat.  Yesterday, on our beat from Kingston we crossed tacks with “La Buena Vida”, took some photos of their boat and they took some photos of us. We invited Marleyne and Heiner aboard Quinita for drinks and to swap photos and had a very pleasant couple of hours with them – http://sv-lbvida.blogspot.com.  The town then put on a very nice firework display right in front of our boat. 

Ship’s log: 1815.2 Today's log: 0.0nm, Season total: 179.7nm

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