Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tuesday July 3rd.

We had a leisure day today.  Hung around the town, Teresa went shopping, I lusted after some beautiful antique (vintage to us Brits) MG sports cars.  They’re on a rally and have done 1500 miles so far.  They were parked right outside the antique boat museum, so it really felt like stepping back in time.  One of the owners comes from Hampstead (North London), and his parents were born in my home town (Hillingdon) – small world.  I’m guessing that these enthusiasts know how to drive, unlike many Americans.  Here’s a sign to illustrate my point!  (Sorry, fellow Americans!)  Watched the fireworks from the boat after dusk.
Ship’s log: 1742.9 Today's log: 0.0nm, Season total: 107.4nm

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