Friday, July 13, 2012

Thursday July 12th

We had a later start today, hoping for sea breezes later in the day and we were rewarded with a wonderful beat to Kingston, 44° 13.64N 76° 28.72W. We went for a morning swim off the boat.    Ron did a little fishing, and Teresa cleaned the boat.  Well, fishing is a tough job, but someone has to do it.  Teresa noticed a cow that seemed to be about to go for a swim.  Ron was hoping that it wouldn’t swim over and take his bait. Before setting sail, we jumped into the water for another refreshing swim. Kingston is a fun town and has street buskers today and for the next 3 days.  Oh, I almost forgot, it also has the Kingston Brewing Company.  Regular readers of our blog will have noticed that we’ve visited this fine establishment previously.  Each time we’ve visited Kingston as a matter of fact.  As it turned out we didn’t get to the brew pub until after 9pm and by the time we had finished dinner all the buskers had packed up and left despite the fact that the schedule had them performing until 11pm.  The good news is that Ron had 2 pints of delicious beer, Beef curry and Beer Pie – Sugar pie made with beer and topped with ice-cream.  Yum yum.

Ship’s log: 1792.6 Today's log: 15.2nm, Season total: 157.1nm

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