Friday, July 27, 2012

Thursday July 26th

It rained all night and was still raining when we set off for Morrison Island, 44° 58.51N 75° 00.10W.  There was no wind so we motored all dayL.  We got an early start (for us), since we would now be passing through the various locks between Lake Ontario and Montreal.  There are many commercial ships passing this way and they are given priority at the locks, so we have no idea how long we may have to wait.  As it turned out we were able to enter our first and only lock of the day lock about 10 minutes after arriving, so we arrived at our anchorage off Morrison Island early.  It was grey and drizzly all day but the drizzle cleared up after we had anchored and we did a few jobs on the boat.  Ron saw some fish jumping and tried his luck with his fishing rod, but they weren’t playing!  Teresa spotted a Blue Heron and watched it with the binoculars for a while. 
We had some fun with our chartplotter today.  It wouldn’t start so we were back to the old fashioned way of navigating with paper charts and compass backed up by a navigation app on Teresa’s phone.  After a season of having the luxury of a chartplotter, it’s amazing how vulnerable you feel without it, even with the phone as a backup.  The navigation, (actually pilotage, since we were hopping from buoy to buoy), was simple however.  After an hour or so Teresa discovered that the problem was with the flash card, not the chart plotter and were able to get the plotter working again.  However we continued plotting our progress on paper charts, ‘cause we’re not fully trusting the plotter right now. 

Ship’s log: 1927.9 Today's log: 20.2nm, Season total: 292.4 nm

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