Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wednesday, July 11th

We started our day with a bike ride and a visit to Ganagoques Sculpure Garden.  The garden was beautiful and has some very nice sculptures, as well as some whacky ones.
  Returned to Wolfe Island, and this time we anchored in Brakey Bay, 44° 13.79N 76° 13.73 , where we had planned to anchor on Monday.  Once again we started under screecher, but then the wind headed us and we switched to genoa in very light winds.  Occasionally we got up to 1knot of boat speed!  Who cares, we weren’t in any hurry.  After a few hours a decent breeze appeared and we had a great sail to Brakey Bay.  Ron experimented with a system to enable steering the boat to windward while watched the Genoa’s tell tales.  I think, with refinements he’ll be applying for a patent on this one!  We anchored and Ron went fishing, (unsuccessfully), while Teresa caught up on some reading.  On his way back, Ron got talking to Rick, a sailor who was anchored just upwind from us. We invited Rick for dinner and he contributed some yellow perch that he had just caught. They were delicious.  We had a very pleasant evening swapping stories and Rick explained that when the winds were forecast to be light in this area, they very often filled in in the late afternoon, which was exactly what we had encountered today.  So in the future, on light wind days, we might be delaying our departure times. 

Ship’s log: 1777.4 Today's log: 8.5nm, Season total: 141.9nm

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