Sunday, July 22, 2012

Saturday 21st July

We had a leisurely breakfast, then went for a hike on Beaurivage Island and did a ittle bushwhacking.  We returned to the boat and had a swim to get cleaned up.  We had lunch at anchor, the set sail for Wolfe Island to anchor for the night.  We sailed across a large area of open water called the 40 acres.  The wind was perfect for sailing – about 12 knots and we had a pleasant beat to Wolfe with Marc and Dee doing most of the helming to windward.  – Nice work guys!  We arrived at Wolfe and found there were a lot of boats anchored in Brakey Bay so we continued to the next bay - Irvine bay – which had only one boat anchored, 44° 13.66N 76° 16.42W.  This bay is larger than Brakey, so it was almost like having it to ourselves – perfect.  We tried a new strategy for keeping bugs out of the boat.  Lately, we’ve been getting small white bugs attracted by the light inside the boat.  So we erected our mosquito netting and hung a light outside of the netting.  The next morning we discovered gazillions of these bugs on the outside of the boat.  What a mess, but better out than in!  We claim success. 

Ship’s log: 1861.2 Today's log: 16.0nm, Season total: 225.7nm

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