Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tuesday July 17th, Wednesday 18th

Teresa is visiting her mom and Ron’s working through the Honey Dew list on the boat.  On Tuesday the wind howled all day which was a shame, ‘cause on of my jobs was re-routing the lines that control our mainsail stack pack.  Re-routing the lines meant throwing a weighted messenger line over the spreaders on the mast.  Tricky in 25+ knots of wind, but at least I amused several of the other boaters on the dock.  The sun was shining all day as well and on one occasion I checked the charge we were getting from our solar panels and the wind gen.  I saw 12amps from the wind gen and 8 amps from the solar – 20amps of free, sustainable charge!  Nice.  The bad news is that our fridge, when it’s running, sucks it up at 5 amps when the weather is really hot, (which it is now).  Typical, the first boat I’ve owned with a fridge and I’m belly-aching about it already.  Wouldn’t go back to being fridge-less though!
Later in the day on Tuesday, I went to the hardware store and when I returned to the boat everyone was pretty excited.  The wind was a little calmer now, from a completely different direction and much cooler.  Apparently a front had passed through and it brought winds of 45 knots with it.  I missed all this so it couodn’t have lasted too long.  I would have loved to have seen what the wind gen pumped out during the 45knot gusts!. 
Wednesday was much quieter wind wise, but still hot.  Ron made good progress on his jobs and finished up with a gin and tonic, pizza, beer and beautiful sunset.

Ship’s log: 1828.5 Today's log: 0.0nm, Season total: 193.0nm

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