Monday, July 2, 2012

Wednesday June 27th.

Multi part blog today – first “Our Blog”.  The water’s very clear in this bay and we noticed that our anchor and trip line were in a real mess.  We had apparently rotated around the anchor a few times in the night.  On top of that there were logs on the bottom around which everything had become wrapped.  So out came the trusty wet suit and snorkel and we spent an hour untangling.  We then put a line ashore to stop us rotating any more.  After all that fun, we went ashore in the dinghy to Hill Island and landed close to the 1000 Islands observation tower.  We had hoped to climb it but ‘unfortunately’ no-one is allowed to climb these days (except for the upper 2 flights) so we had to take the elevator.  The views from the top were fantastic.  On the way back we bought a fishing license just in case Ron decided to fish.

Ron’s Blog:  Several months ago I mentioned to my brother-in-law, Harvey, that I might try my hand at fishing from the boat.  Next thing I knew Harvey, Rome and Jeff bought me a fishing rod, line and lures for my birthday.  So today, with my new fishing license in hand I decided to try fishing from the boats trampoline.  The license comes with a guide to the various fish, and for largemouth bass it recommended a soft plastic worm.  So I put one of those on and threw it over the side.  I then pulled it in, and there was not one single fish on it.  So much for this fishing lark!  Well I thought I’d try again, threw the worm back in the water and pulled in a 6” smallmouth bass.  YES, that’s right, my 2nd cast with my new rod and gear and I had a fish.  There didn’t seem to be much meat on this guy so I threw him back.  About 10 minutes later I landed a 2nd fish which looked OK for supper.  I took him off the hook and since I didn’t have a pail on the trampoline I started walking to the back of the boat (along very narrow side decks).  The stupid fish didn’t realize that I had already won the contest, wriggled and jumped overboard.  You should have seen him.  He was at least 2’ long!  Anyway I carried on and caught another tiddler, (about 6” – not much meat).  So he went back into the drink.  My next fish was better – about 10” with some meat, so he was saved for dinner.  And my last fish of the day was a champ at 13” – another keeper.  So we’re gonna dine well tonight!  Not bad eh, 5 fish on my first attempt.  Thanks Harvey, Rome & Jeff!

Teresa’s Blog: While Ron was playing fisherman I decided to go for a swim off the boat.  The water was refreshing and swimming against the current was a bit of a workout.  I swam to shore and thought I’d see a bit of Georgina Island.  I hadn’t walked 10 feet when I saw a deer, looking straight at me.  We stood and stared at each other for what seemed like minutes then it took off and following it was a young deer.  Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera with me.  The island has walking trails around its circumference as well as a few crossing the middle.  I walked for about 1.5 hours, encountering another young deer (or maybe the same one again) on the other side of the island.   It’s a beautiful island with lots of birds and some squirrels.  I then swam back to the boat to find that Ron had a fish waiting for dinner.  He forgot to mention that I suggested he throw his line in the area where he caught his alleged 5th, (I can only attest to 2), and largest fish J
Ship’s log: 1712.0 Today's log: 0.0nm, Season total: 76.5nm

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