Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Monday, July 9th

We had a very pleasant, but slow, sail to Brakey Bay on Wolfe Island.  Once again the screecher proved its worth.  We had planned to take our bikes ashore and explore the island, but we couldn’t find any public landing places.  So we moved on to the next bay – Irvine Bay, 44° 13.66N 76° 16.42W.  We couldn’t see any public docks here either, but we saw some friendly looking people on a private dock, so we anchored and took the dinghy plus bikes to their dock and asked them if we could land our bikes.  They were very gracious, let us land, and were amused to see our folding bikes.  We went for a ride to Marysville, the only town on the island. And we then did a small detour that was recommended on a cycling map of the island, which turned our ride into a 36 mile round trip.  Most of the island seems to be farmland and we also cycled around a big wind farm.  There was a decent breeze blowing when we were cycling, but none of the wind turbines was moving, so we are wondering if they are turned on and off as needed?  We returned to the boat, tired but happy at about 7:00pm and were pleased to find we were still the only boat anchored in this fine bay.  We had a quick, very refreshing, swim, in wonderfully clean water.  Teresa cooked up a new pasta, shrimp and vegetable concoction which was delicious and just what we needed after our ride. 
Ship’s log: 1762.2 Today's log: 8.9nm, Season total: 126.7nm

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