Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunday July 1st.

We woke up to a flat calm sea with no wind and so set ‘motors’ for Clayton, 44° 14.21N 76° 05.45W.  We docked at the town dock, and were glad to find there were plenty of spaces there since we had planned to stay in Clayton for 6 days and the town dock is the cheapest.  Cycled 12 miles to Alexandria Bay where we picked up our car and brought it back to Clayton.  In the evening we ‘accidentally’ went to church! -  The town park had a soul band billed for the evening, so we each had a long awaited shower, bought some beer and pizza and went along for the music.  It turned out that the dates had got mixed up and a band from a local church was playing.  The music was good, albeit a little samey, but there was a little too much preaching for Ron’s taste.  Returned to the boat where we witnessed a beautiful sunset but our camera did not do it justice!
Ship’s log: 1742.9 Today's log: 7.4nm, Season total: 107.4nm

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